Friday, October 10, 2008


Article title : Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing
Journal title : The Effect of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Adolescent Pregnancy: An Integrative Research Review

PDF : 161 K
Journal volume : Volume 13 Issue 4 Pages 237 - 248

Purpose : This study aims to describe the current research literature on the relationship of childhood sexual abuse and adolescent pregnancy and highlight the potential cross-cutting risk factors.

Result : The majority of the studies identified a relationship between childhood sexual abuse and adolescent pregnancy (n = 9). Cross-cutting risk factors included female gender, younger age, substance use/abuse, family constellation, parent–child conflict, and mother disengagement.

Practise Implications : Strategies for nurses to identify pregnant and parenting adolescents who have been sexually victimized are important for early intervention. Resiliency factors of young people who report positive outcomes are highlighted.